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Sand Volleyball Schedule

Early Fall 2021 Monday Sand Volleyball (4 on 4) DOUBLEHEADERS @ Wakefield Crowbar


Monday, October 11

Double Headers
Ace Down, Pass Up V: The Showdown B, Ace Patrol A, BOOMBAYAH A, Big Blocks A, Birongas y Tacos A, Block Market A, Bumpaholics B, Eddie and the Sand Dogs B, El Awesome B, Flipadelphia B, Just the Tip A, Milky Sets & Cereal Kills A, Raisin Bran A, Registered Sets Offenders B, Serves you right A, Service industry B, Sugar and Spike B, That's What She Set B, The Volley Llamas B, Tips Out For The Boys A
BOHICA A, Home Improvement A, Setflix & Chill A, Sets In The City, I’d Hit That B, One Hit Wonders B, Pop a Volley B, Sets On The Beach B, Shakshaka B
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
6:20 PM
7:00 PM
7:40 PM
8:20 PM
9:00 PM
9:40 PM
10:20 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, October 18

Double Headers
Ace Down, Pass Up V: The Showdown B, Ace Patrol A, BOHICA A, BOOMBAYAH A, Big Blocks A, Birongas y Tacos A, Block Market A, Bumpaholics B, Flipadelphia B, Home Improvement A, I’d Hit That B, Milky Sets & Cereal Kills A, One Hit Wonders B, Pop a Volley B, Registered Sets Offenders B, Setflix & Chill A, Sets In The City, Sets On The Beach B, Shakshaka B, Sugar and Spike B, The Volley Llamas B
Just the Tip A, Raisin Bran A, Serves you right A, Tips Out For The Boys A, Eddie and the Sand Dogs B, El Awesome B, Service industry B, That's What She Set B
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
6:20 PM
7:00 PM
7:40 PM
8:20 PM
9:00 PM
9:40 PM
10:20 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, October 25

Team Pictures
Double Headers
BOHICA A, Big Blocks A, Birongas y Tacos A, Eddie and the Sand Dogs B, El Awesome B, Home Improvement A, I’d Hit That B, Just the Tip A, One Hit Wonders B, Pop a Volley B, Raisin Bran A, Registered Sets Offenders B, Serves you right A, Service industry B, Setflix & Chill A, Sets In The City, Sets On The Beach B, Shakshaka B, Sugar and Spike B, That's What She Set B, Tips Out For The Boys A
Ace Patrol A, Block Market A, BOOMBAYAH A, Milky Sets & Cereal Kills A, Ace Down, Pass Up V: The Showdown B, Bumpaholics B, Flipadelphia B, The Volley Llamas B
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
6:20 PM
7:00 PM
7:40 PM
8:20 PM
9:00 PM
9:40 PM
10:20 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, November 1

Team Pictures
Double Headers
Ace Down, Pass Up V: The Showdown B, Ace Patrol A, BOOMBAYAH A, Birongas y Tacos A, Block Market A, Bumpaholics B, Eddie and the Sand Dogs B, El Awesome B, Flipadelphia B, Home Improvement A, I’d Hit That B, Milky Sets & Cereal Kills A, Pop a Volley B, Raisin Bran A, Serves you right A, Service industry B, Setflix & Chill A, Sets On The Beach B, That's What She Set B, The Volley Llamas B, Tips Out For The Boys A
Big Blocks A, BOHICA A, Just the Tip A, Sets In The City, One Hit Wonders B, Registered Sets Offenders B, Shakshaka B, Sugar and Spike B
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
6:20 PM
7:00 PM
7:40 PM
8:20 PM
9:00 PM
9:40 PM
10:20 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, November 8

Double Headers
Ace Down, Pass Up V: The Showdown B, Ace Patrol A, BOHICA A, BOOMBAYAH A, Big Blocks A, Block Market A, Bumpaholics B, Eddie and the Sand Dogs B, El Awesome B, Flipadelphia B, Just the Tip A, Milky Sets & Cereal Kills A, One Hit Wonders B, Raisin Bran A, Registered Sets Offenders B, Sets In The City, Shakshaka B, Sugar and Spike B, That's What She Set B, The Volley Llamas B, Tips Out For The Boys A
Birongas y Tacos A, Home Improvement A, Serves you right A, Setflix & Chill A, I’d Hit That B, Pop a Volley B, Service industry B, Sets On The Beach B
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
6:20 PM
7:00 PM
7:40 PM
8:20 PM
9:00 PM
9:40 PM
10:20 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, November 15

Ace Patrol A, Big Blocks A, Block Market A, Milky Sets & Cereal Kills A, Raisin Bran A, Eddie and the Sand Dogs B, Registered Sets Offenders B, That's What She Set B, The Volley Llamas B
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
6:20 PM
7:00 PM
7:40 PM
8:20 PM
9:00 PM
9:40 PM
10:20 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)

Monday, November 22

Double Headers
Ace Patrol A, BOHICA A, Block Market A, Eddie and the Sand Dogs B, Home Improvement A, I’d Hit That B, Just the Tip A, Milky Sets & Cereal Kills A, Pop a Volley B, Raisin Bran A, Registered Sets Offenders B, Serves you right A, Service industry B, Setflix & Chill A, Sets In The City, Sets On The Beach B, Shakshaka B, That's What She Set B, The Volley Llamas B
Big Blocks A, Birongas y Tacos A, BOOMBAYAH A, Tips Out For The Boys A, Ace Down, Pass Up V: The Showdown B, Bumpaholics B, El Awesome B, Flipadelphia B, One Hit Wonders B, Sugar and Spike B
Court 1
Court 2
Court 3
6:20 PM
7:00 PM
7:40 PM
8:20 PM
9:00 PM
9:40 PM
10:20 PM

Visitor (first team) vs Home (second team)